Green Ranking
Best 30 Players
Last update: 03/07/2025 - Press F5 to update
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The Blue ranking takes as reference the sum of the active ratings in the individual games.
The Red ranking refers to the best average ratings (with priority given to players with at least 10 active ratings).
The Green "PerGioco Masters Trophy" ranking is a combined ranking: the best ten players in the Blue and Red rankings are awarded 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 points. The ranking is given by the sum of these scores. In the event of a tie in this ranking, the player with the highest number of games played has priority.
The Red ranking refers to the best average ratings (with priority given to players with at least 10 active ratings).
The Green "PerGioco Masters Trophy" ranking is a combined ranking: the best ten players in the Blue and Red rankings are awarded 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 points. The ranking is given by the sum of these scores. In the event of a tie in this ranking, the player with the highest number of games played has priority.
The asterisks **** indicate players who are not certified on PerGioco Masters and are therefore excluded from the ranking and prizes until they register, which can take place at any time, by December 31st, the date on which the ranking becomes definitive.
Leader Points are additional points that will be included in the Green Ranking starting in 2025.
In tournaments with the Italian-Swiss system, those who do not show up for the first match do not enter the rankings and do not suffer any rating penalties. Anyone who doesn't show up for a match after the first one suffers a penalty (for the rating that match is considered a defeat, but not the subsequent ones).
Games won due to the absence or abandonment of the opponent are considered wins for the rating. Matches won by BYE do not count as qualifying matches for the rating.
For more information on our rating click the "Discover" button.
Games won due to the absence or abandonment of the opponent are considered wins for the rating. Matches won by BYE do not count as qualifying matches for the rating.
For more information on our rating click the "Discover" button.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/03/2025